Yes! I am an author & a rapper

Expanding creative horizons.

3 min readJun 16, 2024

A problem faced today by several artists in the Greek market is that they cannot be multidimensional and they cannot combine 2 extremes because the people’s consciousness do not accept it so easily.

In my case, I am a poet and writer who has written books on spirituality and self-improvement, for example:

Click here for my books.

But I’m also a rapper, who talks about extreme things through his music eg:

What I do is of course something strange and different, and it is also difficult to combine these 2 extremes. My music overshadows my books and my books my music.

A similar case is the one of Nikos Karvelas. He is one of the greatest songwriters in Greece, but few know about his books. The big publishers avoided working with him because of his other career, but that doesn’t stop him from being one of the biggest multi-talented artists in Greece.

Now how rap music came about I don’t know and I don’t even think about it because I just go with the flow of life and take every opportunity that comes my way. I started writing books and poetry in 2020, then I wanted to try something different, so I got into screenwriting and in 2024 life brought me to music.

I met a great Greek producer, Dimitris Kapetanakis, with whom we built a very nice friendship in a very short time, and then I decided to get involved in music after enough convincing from him.

I don’t have a musical background, I don’t have a nice voice, I’m not a singer, but what I do have is self-discipline, persistence, I’m good at writing, charisma, thirst for knowledge in new areas and style. Well, when we put all these together, my producer told me that I would very easily have a big career in Greece as a rapper. If you include the element of my books in all of this, you create something new that awakens wonder and interest. You put 2 extremes together into one body that will help promote an upcoming artist, so here I am now.

And as I wrote in my books, you don’t stay here forever, try new things, don’t listen to what others say and don’t take life so seriously, so I followed my own advice, and I make rap music that breeds the opposite persona from the one I had when I was writing books.

The message I want to get across is that art has no limits, and don’t let anything or anyone affect you. There are no limits to an artist’s imagination and neither does it need a logical answer behind each creation.

You create what you like unless you want people to like you. If it’s the latter then you’re simply copying what others are doing by putting your own element inside. This is not a bad thing, I just follow my own path, and if people like it, good, if not, I’ll still do myself.

If you want to stay updated with my latest updates, follow me on: Instagram και Medium

