The Success Formula

4 min read4 days ago

The success formula is not what you think it is. Everybody’s trying to give us their own opinions on how to achieve success in any field, whether it’s sports, business, music, or anything. But those tips are the same, and a lot of people follow them without getting the level of success that the 1% got. Why’s that?

Because there is no formula to success. There is not a single path, there is not a single way that you can achieve that massive success. If you really watch with attention all the interviews of the top in each field, you’ll notice that they don’t even know how they did it. The common things that they’ll say is that they worked hard, they had the right team around them, and very rarely, they’ll say they got lucky.

No matter your habits, your beliefs, and all these tips you get from “experts”, no successful person really knows how they achieved their level of success. What they do, others do as well and even better, so how did they reached that level of success? I cannot tell you because I don’t know, neither do they.

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But I have my own suspicion, that not many people are talking about. No, it’s…

