The book that changed my life (Part 1)

4 min readJun 22, 2024


I have read countless books in the self-improvement and spirituality category. They have helped quite a bit, but, they all almost give the same message in a different way. I realized that the more I read, the more confused I was.

One said one thing, and the other said another. Until I read, perhaps the most important book out there, Reality Transurfing. The author is nowhere on the internet and avoids the press, his face has not appeared anywhere, and neither has his real name. In his book he goes by the pseudonym Vadim Zealand.

So this author is a Russian physicist specializing in quantum physics, and he is also a programmer. The basic idea behind his book is that the more relaxed you are, the easier and faster you will reach your goal. Logic is the slow and hard way to get where you want to go. But by listening and following your heart, you reach your destination without the obstacles you would expect.

Your heart has access to the spiritual world, where everything happens before it appears in our visible world. The ideas, the solutions, the answers and the path that leads to your goal are already known by your heart, not your mind. You just have to learn how to listen to your heart and how to quiet your mind.

But the heart can’t lead you where you want if you don’t use your mind properly. The only thing you have to do with your mind is to give a destination, a goal, to know what you want to achieve. Only few are focused on just one goal. Most people don’t even know what they want, have no goals, or are indecisive with what they want to do with their lives.

Another important element that the author mentions in the book is your energy. You need to keep enough energy for you so that you can attract the opportunities that will take you towards your goal.

Not only that, but also to have the confidence to take the chance, work towards your goal and make the right moves. If you don’t have energy, you make the wrong moves, you can’t tell what’s an opportunity and what’s not, and you can’t attract the people who would help you in various ways.

Your energy is not only so that you can work towards your goal, it is also the power of communication between your spirit and the universe. You are like an antenna, the more energy you have inside, the stronger your frequency is, and the more messages and guidance you receive from the universe.

Now how can you develop the energy within you? By first and foremost stopping wasting it on negativity. Negativity is the main thing that sucks all your energy leaving your spirit drained.

Another way most people waste their energy is the poor food they eat and inactivity. The more you move, the more energy you have. It is not the opposite as many believe. When energy circulates within you, the universe replenishes you with more. When you are inactive, the energy within you remains inactive and weakens. The food we eat also affects our energy.

The healthier your gut is, the better mood you have, and therefore more energy. One of the most important neurotransmitters for mood regulation and control is serotonin, which is often called the “happiness hormone.” The gut produces about 95% of the body’s serotonin, and changes in serotonin levels affect the gut as well as the brain.

So the key takeaways for the article I just wrote for the book are, stay focused on one or two goals without pushing yourself, and keep the energy inside you active.

Stay tuned for Part 2.

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