Relationships are like flowers

You cannot force a flower to blossom

3 min readNov 19, 2023

You cannot force a flower to blossom. You have to water it, give it sunlight and have patience. Relationships resemble the same process. Most people stay single for so long, or they mess up their relationship because they lack patience. They want the perfect relationship now. but perfection is a gradual process. You do not find it. You build it, and you keep building it.

Most people want their partner to be as they wish them to be today. They want the relationship to be as they wish it to be today. They don’t want to wait, they don’t want to put in some effort. They want instant results now.

In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone is glued onto their phones so they don’t miss out on anything, patience is a luxury not many can afford.

The key to a great relationship is patience.

As soon as things don’t go as planned, people ditch their partners and look for the next one. This is one of the main reason that many people today feel lonely. Although social media connected us even more, it made us lonelier.

Researchers found out that today, more millennials are single than ever before. I believe this is because of the abundance of options. When you have a lot of options, you tend to look for the best, but there is no best.

The best option is the one that you pick and stick with it.

The abundance of partner choice that people have today is the main reason of loneliness. They don’t want to solve the problem, they want out. they don’t want to wait, they want it now. They try to force perfection in the present, whereas perfection is a gradual and continuous process. A momentum of building, of investing, of connecting even deeper with your partner.

Don’t let the Redpill community and dating experts mislead you. They live in their own world. Most of them are single and will remain like that till they change their perspective on relationships. Dating is like practicing divorce because, you get to meet a person, and then decide if you want to be with them or no in the first day or two, and if you don’t, you ditch them and look for someone else, without staying there to build with them.

Overtime, this become a subconscious habit. You have conditioned your mind to get into things and then as soon as things don’t meet your expectations, get out of them and look for something else. That’s why people today lack the patience and the willingness to commit in a relationship. The willingness to give space, to give time, to invest, to build, to connect. They want everything to be perfect now. This habit can also negatively impact you in other areas of your life as your reflex is to get out of a situation that presents challenges or do not meet your expectations.

Love does not happen because of a particular event. Love does not happen because you did something. Love does not happens. It just grows overtime. And it’s not about intensity. It’s about consistency. Relationships are like plants. You need to water them with patience. If you give too much too soon, you’ll drown it. If you ignore it, it’ll die.

